Do You Need New Auto Insurance When You Move to Texas?

If you’re a new resident of Texas or recently returned to the Lone Star State, welcome from the Presley Insurance Group in Dallas, TX! Moving can be stressful, especially if you relocate from a different state. With numerous engagements to manage as you settle in, know you have an ally in us to help facilitate your transition.

Many car owners moving to Texas wonder if they need to switch auto insurance coverage. The answer to this query depends on your specific situation and the policy’s terms. Whether through a phone call or a meeting at our office, we’re here to help you figure it out as a team.

Do You Need New Auto Insurance When You Move to Texas?

Depending on the liability coverage your current policy provides, you may need to change your auto insurance when you relocate to Texas. For those coming from a state that does not mandate auto insurance, securing coverage for your vehicle immediately upon arriving is crucial to avoid any penalties or legal implications. Moreover, switching to a local insurer allows you to access our local office conveniently for any queries or concerns.

Can You Explore Auto Insurance Options Before Moving?

There is no need to wait until you’ve moved to Texas to seek our services. You’re welcome to contact us over the phone or drop by our office during your area tour. We’re always available to address your inquiries. Even if you’re not officially a resident here yet, it’s never too early to explore your auto insurance options.

Contact Presley Insurance Group of Dallas

For more details, don’t hesitate to call us at Presley Insurance Group in Dallas, TX!

Four reasons why you might want to make some changes to your auto insurance coverage

Motorists need to realize that their auto insurance needs may change over time. At Presley Insurance Group, we can help motorists in Dallas, TX, to find an auto insurance solution that’s just right for their situation.

Here are four reasons why you might want to make some changes to your auto insurance policy. 

You’ve bought a new vehicle.

Your auto insurance policy is customized for your vehicle. If you add a new vehicle to your policy or you replace your vehicle, your auto insurance policy will need to be adjusted accordingly. Ensure you contact your auto insurance company whenever you acquire a new vehicle to insure. 

You need to add another driver to your policy.

You might need to add another driver to your policy if your child becomes a licensed driver or your spouse uses your vehicle frequently. You can’t assume that your policy will cover your vehicle if an individual is driving your vehicle who isn’t listed on your policy. 

You’ve moved to a different state.

Different states have different auto insurance requirements that motorists need to meet. This means switching to a new auto insurance policy is necessary if you relocate to another state. 

You’ve had your vehicle modified.

Modifications to your vehicle could make it so that your vehicle’s value is significantly increased. In this case, you’ll want to increase your auto insurance policy coverage so that your vehicle is covered for its full value. 

We’re here to assist you when adjusting your auto insurance coverage in Dallas, TX. Call us today at Presley Insurance Group for a quote on a policy. 

Tips to Help You Prepare Your Car for Winter

There are many different steps you need to take to get your car ready for winter. But did you know that some of the steps you can take can help to keep you safe when driving on wet, icy, or dark roadways this winter? Here are a few tips from Presley Insurance Group, serving the Dallas, TX metroplex, to help you prepare your car for winter to reduce your accident risk. 

Prepare Your Car for Winter

Check and Maintain Your Tires

Inspect your tires for proper tread depth and inflation. Consider switching to winter tires for improved traction on icy or snowy roads. Ensure tire pressure is at the recommended level to maintain optimal grip. Properly checking and maintaining your tires can help you avoid tire blowouts or sliding in wet or icy conditions.

Maintain Visibility

Replace worn or damaged windshield wipers and ensure that the windshield washer system is working correctly. Consider using winter-specific washer fluid with antifreeze properties. Keep an ice scraper and snow brush in your car for clearing ice and snow from windows. All of these tips will help you to see clearly when you are driving in less-than-ideal conditions.

Inspect Lights and Signals 

Check that all exterior lights, including headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals, are functioning properly. Winter days are shorter, and good visibility is crucial for safe driving. Additionally, ensuring your signals and taillights are working helps you to remain visible to other drivers on the roads.

Keep Your Insurance Updated

The steps you take now can help you prepare your car for winter. If you are in the market for a new auto insurance policy in the greater Dallas, TX area, the insurance agents at Presley Insurance Group would love to help you. Call us today to obtain an estimate.

Who benefits most from auto insurance?

With the many types of insurance available, it’s hard to know what you need and what you don’t need. Auto insurance is no exception.

There are so many different types of coverage that you can buy for auto insurance. Which ones do you need, and who benefits from the types of coverage available? Presley Insurance Group, serving the greater Dallas, TX region, is here to answer all your questions. 

Types of auto insurance coverage

There are several types of auto insurance coverage, but there are three main categories among insurance companies. Those coverage options include liability, comprehensive and collision coverage, and uninsured motorist coverage. Let’s explore what these options are and why they might be beneficial to you.


Liability insurance covers the cost of damage and injuries that occur to the other party if you are the one who caused the accident. These costs include any damage to the vehicle or property, medical bills, pain and suffering, and lawsuits.

Comprehensive and collision

Comprehensive coverage covers your vehicle if something other than a collision damages it. Collision coverage covers damage to your vehicle when you get into an accident, even if the accident is your fault.

Uninsured motorist coverage

If you get into an accident, someone else caused, their liability insurance is supposed to cover you. However, not everyone has the right amount of liability insurance to cover the claim. When that happens, uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage can cover the damage they caused.

Who benefits from having auto insurance?

Auto insurance benefits anyone who drives a vehicle. Most states in the United States require a minimum amount of liability insurance for all registered drivers. If you don’t have the minimum required amount, they could suspend your license, and you could be responsible for out-of-pocket costs.

Give Us A Call

Contact us at Presley Insurance Group in Dallas, TX to discuss your options and to get a non-obligation auto insurance quote.

3 Wonderfully Weird Places To See In Dallas

Dallas, TX offers an abundance of experiences for the adventurous soul. From wine trails to urban hiking trails and from haunted hot spots to hidden parks, there is no shortage of activities in our fair city. So how can you make the most of your time here? By exploring its nooks and crannies. Here are our Top 3 recommendations for discovering how wonderfully weird Dallas, TX can be. Before you hit the road, however, make sure you have the right insurance coverage for your vehicle. 

Explore Dallas With Auto Insurance Coverage From Presley Insurance Group

Dr. Flatt’s Hand Collection

Bar none, Dallas’s oddest museum is The Adrian E. Flatt, M.D., Hand Collection. Inside, one will find the world’s most extensive collection of rare and unusual hand casts on display. Dr. Flatt was a prolific orthopedic surgeon who collected bronze hand casts from medical mysteries to sports stars and even former presidents. This collection of mighty mitts can be found at the Baylor University Medical Center.

The Samurai Collection

Located in the Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Muller museum, The Samurai Collection boasts the most extensive collection of samurai armor outside of Japan. It features over 1,000 objects, including armor, horse armor, and weapons. The group also houses several masterpiece works.

Goatman’s Bridge

This legendary bridge in the Denton suburb has featured many ghost-hunting and supernatural-focused TV shows and books. Officially known as the Old Alton Bridge, the bridge gained its spooky reputation due to several legends with differing details. What all have in common is a goatherder who is hung over the side of the bridge by a group of angry men. Locals believe that if you cross the bridge late at night, there’s a chance you’ll see the specter of the Goatman out for revenge.

Get the Right Auto Insurance Before You Explore

There’s plenty more to the Dallas, TX area, and its wonderfully weird history, so get out there and explore! And while you’re at it, stop by Presley Insurance Group to ensure you have the right car insurance for wherever the road takes you.

Benefits for safe drivers in TX

Presley Insurance Group is here to serve the insurance needs of the Dallas, TX metro community. If you have questions about vehicle insurance, we are here to help. Let us help you wade through your options and determine which policies, features, and coverage levels are appropriate for your needs.

Main benefits for TX safe drivers

The best benefit of being a safe driver in TX is the protection you afford yourself, your passengers, and your vehicle. Another great benefit is finding a policy that rewards your safe driving record. When it comes to auto insurance, safe drivers also have more options. If you are looking at upgrading your policy, you may want to take a look at the following options:

  • Safe driver discounts – when it comes to rewarding safe driving, most insurance companies are on board! Look for a policy that offers financial benefits for a safe driving record.
  • Disappearing deductibles – when you go for long periods of time without a claim, there are policies that will reduce your deductible. In fact, it is even possible to have it disappear entirely!
  • Bundle discounts – bundling your auto insurance with your home and life policies is another great way to get the robust insurance coverage you want without breaking your budget.

Enjoy the benefits of being a safe driver in TX!

If you have a safe driving record and are a resident of the greater Dallas, TX area, it’s time to talk to the team at Presley Insurance Group. We are here to help you enjoy the benefits of your safe driving. Call or stop by our office today and find out more!

Understanding the Nature of Liability in a Car Crash

Millions of car crashes occur every year, many of which cause extensive damage to vehicles. If you’re in this situation and you aren’t sure who to blame, it is vital to understand the nature of liability and how it affects your policy. We at Presley Insurance Group can help Dallas, TX residents understand more.

Liability is Decided by Who Caused the Accident

Blame is typically placed on the person who contributed most to a car accident. Sometimes, this information is much more apparent than it is in other cases. For example, if a person racing at 150 miles per hour hits a parked car, they are liable for the accident.

However, some states have what is known as a shared liability defense. This concept states that both people involved caused the accident and rates them according to the percentage of the accident that they triggered. As a result, your insurance may be affected in many ways.

How Your Insurance May Change

Expect your insurance company to cover any liability problems caused by your crash up to your term limit. Once that is paid, you will have to pay out of pocket for any other expenses. You can also expect your premiums to increase significantly and may even find yourself on a "high risk" policy.

These policies are typically designed for people who are considered problematic or likely to cause situations like car crashes. Getting one of these policies is often frustrating and may affect things like your credit score.

Don’t Get Caught in a Hard Situation

If you were in a car crash and fear that you might have been liable, contact us at Presley Insurance Group to learn more about how you might be affected. We will help Dallas, TX residents and those in the surrounding area better understand this situation.

What types of coverage can you get on an auto insurance policy?

When you think of the auto insurance you purchase to stay safe while driving on Dallas, TX roads, you might think of the coverage the state requires – property insurance and liability, but you need so much more than that. You need full coverage from Presley Insurance Group, which also includes comprehensive and collision insurance. You can round this out with roadside assistance coverage plus uninsured motorist coverage and personal injury protection (PIP).

Collision pays for the repairs or replacement of the vehicle when your vehicle collides with another vehicle or something like a fence or mailbox. Any stationary or moving, non-living object your vehicle strikes or that strikes your vehicle falls under collision. When you hit a deer or other animal with the vehicle, your comprehensive coverage covers it. Acts of God, such as tornadoes or fire, also fall under this coverage.

Roadside assistance coverage means you have someone to call who will come tow your vehicle whenever any of those accidents happen. This coverage also kicks in when you get a flat tire or run out of gas on the road. Instead of paying out of pocket, you have insurance that covers the charges.

Uninsured motorist coverage ensures that you still receive funds to repair your vehicle or pay medical bills if the vehicle’s driver that caused the accident had no insurance. It also typically covers underinsured drivers, so if the driver that caused the accident only carried the state minimums, but your damages and injuries resulted in much greater bills, this insurance pays for that.

PIP coverage pays for your medical costs regardless of who caused the accident. That means even if you hit a mailbox and hurt yourself, PIP covers your medical bills.

Contact Presley Insurance Group of Dallas, TX to learn more about auto insurance protections. We can help you obtain the coverage you need to stay safer on Texas roads.

Why do I need auto insurance in Texas?

Dallas, TX is one of the largest cities and metro areas in the country. While there are some places in the area where tasks can be completed on foot, most people in the area need to use a vehicle. If you are going to purchase a vehicle here, it is vital that you get auto insurance. There are several reasons why you will need this insurance coverage here. 

Insurance is Needed to Comply with Loan Agreement

One reason why you need to have auto insurance is that it is required under your loan agreement. When you purchase a car in Texas, there is a good chance that you will need to take out a loan. If you do have an auto loan, you need to ensure that you stay in compliance at all times. One of the best ways that you can do this is by getting an auto insurance policy. With a full policy, you will have the collision and comprehensive insurance coverage that your lender demands. 

Required by State

Another reason to get an auto insurance policy in the Dallas, TX area is that it is required by the state. Drivers in Texas are generally going to be safe when they are behind the wheel. However, accidents do happen from time to time. If you cause an accident, you will have to pay for damages. To ensure that all drivers are able to cover these damages, the state requires that all people have a liability auto insurance policy at all times.

Picking an auto insurance policy in the Dallas, TX area is always a big decision. When you are looking for a policy, you should call the Presley Insurance Group. The team at Presley Insurance Group can answer any questions that you have about your auto insurance needs.